
How Your Content Strategy Can Boost App Downloads

As an app developer, how can you use your content strategy to boost app downloads? Here are a few strategies to get you started.
If you're an app developer, you probably already know that it's not enough to make a great product. You need to also market it well if you want people to use your app and come back again and again. This is where content marketing comes in — but as an app developer, how can you use your content strategy to boost app downloads? 

Here are a few strategies to get you started:

Refine Your Keywords through App Store Optimization

The most important thing is to use a tool like Google Keyword Planner to research what people are searching for in your app category. You can also use tools such as App Store Optimization and SEMrush to find keywords that people are using when they search for apps. Other tools like Ahrefs, Spyfu, or Moz will also help you with this process.

Get Featured on a Mobile App Review Site

One of the best ways to attract new app users is through mobile app review sites. Mobile app review sites have dedicated staff members who scour the web looking for new apps and games that they can recommend to their readers. Getting featured on one of these sites will help drive traffic to your store, and it’s often free!

To increase your chances of getting featured on a mobile app review site, it helps if you make sure that your game or app is unique. If someone has already made something similar (especially if they did it better), there’s no point in making another version. You want to be known for doing something different than everyone else, or at least being able to give users an experience unlike any other game or app out there.

You should also have a press kit available with all pertinent details about your app so reviewers can easily get information from you quickly. Finally, it’s important that you update social media daily – especially Twitter - so people know what’s going on with your project.

Create Valuable Content to Attract New Users

You need to create content that will not only help you attract new users, but also keep them interested in your app. To do this, you'll need to know what kind of content is going to appeal to your target audience and how often you should publish it. Of course, the frequency at which you publish new posts depends on the nature of your business or organization (e.g., if it's a B2B company, then weekly blog posts might be enough).

The quality of the articles that you publish online is crucial for keeping visitors engaged with your brand and increasing downloads from search engines like Google. That's why it's important that every piece of text provided by the company has its own purpose—beyond just filling up space on pages—and provides value for readers without being too promotional in tone or message.

Add a Call-to-Action to Your Marketing Content

A Call-to-Action (CTA) is a specific request for action. It's the last thing you say in a piece of content. Be specific with your CTA request. Don't just say, "Click here." Instead, tell readers what they'll get when they click: "Download our free ebook," or "Learn how to make healthier meals."

Make sure your CTA is easy to understand and act on. Don't use complicated language or create an awkward sentence structure—that will only frustrate readers and cause them to abandon their plans to download your app! Your CTA should also be relevant to your audience so that it won't feel like an afterthought at the end of a post; instead it should directly relate back to the topic being discussed throughout its entirety.

Use Multimedia Content to Engage Potential Users

One of the most effective ways to engage potential users is through multimedia content. Video and images allow you to share your story in a way that can't be achieved by text alone, which is why they're such valuable additions to any content strategy. 

For example, short videos are more likely to be viewed than long ones, so keep your videos short (less than 2 minutes) and relevant. Images should also be high quality and high resolution—this will help ensure that they look good across different screens and devices while still being easy on the eyes for readers who aren't used to reading online all day long!

Track Your Results Using Google Analytics or Other Tools

Once you've got a few pieces of content up and running, it's time to track your results using Google Analytics (or another analytics tool). You should be able to see which posts are the most popular, which ones are driving downloads and conversions, and which ones may need work. You can also use this data to plan future content creation efforts by focusing on topics that resonate with your audience or that help drive conversions for your product or service.

Use Social Media to Share Your App and Boost Downloads

Social media is the perfect place to share your app and boost downloads. One thing you should do on social media is share your landing page. If people see that you've launched something new, they'll be more inclined to check it out. Make sure to include an image of what the app looks like, along with some screenshots that show users what they can do in the app.

You should also share screenshots of key features or screens within the app—anything that will give potential users a taste of what it's like inside! You'll want people to be compelled enough by the images that they click through from their social media feeds into your mobile website where they can download your mobile application directly onto their phones or tablets.


We hope that you are inspired to take a closer look at your content strategy. With the right approach, it can play an important role in boosting app downloads and getting new users on board. We’re excited to see what you come up with and we’re always here to help you hone your content strategy to get more eyes on your app. Reach out to the Camber Creative team today for a free consultation.


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